Group of activists file supreme court case demanding stronger action on meeting Paris accord goals.
Smoke rises from chimneys in Moscow. Russia is the fourth biggest producer of carbon emissions worldwide. Photograph: Maxim Shipenkov/EPA
The first-ever climate lawsuit in Russia has been filed by a group of activists demanding that the the government take stronger action over the climate crisis.
The group wants the Russian authorities to take measures that will reduce the country’s greenhouse emissions, in line with targets of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5C agreed under the 2015 Paris climate accords.
The Sami, the only indigenous people left in Europe, have more than 100 different words for snow. From seaŋáš, a fluffy, grainy snow that moves easily, to tjaevi, flakes that stick together and are hard to dig, the names are based on its texture, depth, density, and the harsh conditions of the Arctic winter.
But the Sami of Sápmi, who are traditionally fishers, trappers and reindeer herders, do not yet have a word for what they are seeing more often on the ground.
Photograph: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty ImagesЧитать далее
Shifting to electric vehicles (EV) is seen as an important step towards a greener future. However, the process of extracting nickel, a crucial component of EV batteries, very often is not environmental-friendly. The world’s largest producer of nickel, Nornickel, has been destroying the environment and violating Indigenous Peoples’ rights in the Arctic for decades. Indigenous Peoples are now trying to bring the international community’s attention to the problem with the hope of protecting their ancestorial lands.
Лидерство коренных народов в развивающейся зеленой экономике: Горнодобывающая промышленность, Кремниевая долина и Глобальная экологическая справедливость.
Slava Kemlil, a member of the Chukchi indigenous people in Russia’s Far East, has lived a life bound to nature’s pulse — but the changing landscape of his tundra environment is posing fresh challenges.
Slava Kemlil is waiting for us on the dock in the Arctic town of Chersky.
He’s been there applying for government grants but it is not where he feels at home. Home is in the tundra with his reindeer. «You can relax there,» he says. «You can breathe the fresh air. In the settlement there are four walls and a lot of paperwork.»
Slava Kemlil is a reindeer herder facing fresh challenges due to climate changeЧитать далее
Climate change is also a human rights agenda. As indigenous peoples, we should move forward from the status of victims of climate change to originators of sustainable development and solution agenda, in order to create a strong climate resilience community at the global level and particularly at the local one.
The respect and recognition of the indigenous peoples’ rights, their land rights are a cornerstone for the global Indigenous Peoples’ political agenda. The era of colonial time is not ended. When we are talking about remedy, we are talking about the resource colonials represented by big industrial economies and governments, particularly looking at the indigenous land as a marketplace or marketable commodity used for their economic growth and profit. This is a triangle – respect, recognition, and remedy, based on the colonial and post-colonial period. How can we create a completely new agenda based on human rights recognition?
Коренные народы по всему миру испытывают разрушительное влияние изменения климата. В День прав человека мы публикуем их истории. О воздействии климатического кризиса на жителей России рассказывает Дарья Егерева, представительница северного народа селькупы.